Loving and hating in California

On a trip in California. San Francisco. Pacific Coast Highway. Los Angeles. Beautiful here on the other side of the country. And chilly. Lots of thoughts. Lots of loves and hates. Typed them into iPhone. Here they are: Hate: Typing into iPhone. All mays trying to correct my words and spelling. My spelling is horrible! Deal with it iPhone! You will just screen it up anywhere. Love: San Francisco. What a town. Friendliest people. Fog rolling in all the time. Cool museums. Breakfast places that serve smoked chicken apple sausage with eggs. I have found the address to Heaven. Hate: Walking around San Francisco singing: “Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat.” Out loud! Do you know how embarrassing that is? Couldn’t even control it. Totally involuntary. The only way I could get it out of my head was to sing Spice Girls instead. Then people really started staring at me. Hate: Catching a cold on the flight out. A lingering cold that hung around until (miraculously) the day we flew out. Love: NyQuil. Even with its terrifying warnings about liver damage and operating forklifts. That’s what I call a night out on the town. Love/Hate: That if we see a hill, we go climb that hill. That’s our family motto. We might burst blood vessels. We might be so out of breath at the top that we need an oxygen cart. But give us an incline and we charge. Love: Cable cars. Second only to interstellar ion-drive spaceships. Why charge up … Continue reading Loving and hating in California